Contract Formation & Disputes

Contracts are an integral part of any business. However, signing something without having an attorney advise you beforehand can cause you a lot of trouble later on down the line. At the Boston Law Group, P.C., we have experience in working with the many different aspects of contract formation and disputes, and can effectively represent you with any contract issue you may have.


Contract Formation


When forming any contract, you want to make sure that the contract is beneficial to you in every way. This is why it is so important to have an attorney who is skilled in contract formation law on your side. We can work with you to form a contract that leaves no loopholes and ensures that your interests are secured.


Contract Disputes


When a contract is signed, the person signing the contract is stating that they agree with everything written in the contract and are promising to uphold their end. When a person neglects their contractual responsibilities, serious problems can arise. If you are currently disputing with someone over not meeting their contractual obligations or you are being accused of not meeting your own contractual obligations, you need to seek immediate legal representation. The Boston Law Group, P.C. has successfully handled a number of contract disputes and we will work to see that the dispute is resolved completely and totally in your favor.


At the Boston Law Group, P.C., we have your best interests in mind from the get go. Call us today to schedule an appointment for a consultation.


(617) 928-1800

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